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Your Source for Hardscape, & Masonry Materials

Hi-Way Concrete in Wareham & N. Dartmouth, MA has the concrete supplies you need to complete your projects. We are a family-owned and -operated business, providing hardscape, and masonry materials to contractors and homeowners in Cape Cod and the South Shore. You can get more than concrete blocks and brick from us. Our inventory has a wide array of material options to supply any project size, from a small interior renovation to a full-scale backyard transformation. We have natural stone, artificial stone, concrete products, pavers, veneer products, and many other items, paired with exemplary sales support. You can visit our retail showroom and outdoor displays to get inspiration for your designs.

stone fireplace

Appealing Natural & Artificial Stone Veneer Products

Supplying materials for your project isn’t the only service we offer. Hi-Way Concrete also takes care of manufacturing the products you need. Our company is a licensed Keystone Retaining Wall System manufacturer, which is a structurally sound, easy-to-install, economical, and aesthetically appealing solution to replace timber tie, boulder, and cast-in-place retaining walls. The original Keystone Standard Unit is a gravity wall system providing the weight and stability necessary to resist pressure applied by the earth for walls as tall as six feet. Our business carries a wide array of Keystone products in various shapes, sizes, colors, and face textures to provide superior gravity and reinforced walls for your landscaping projects. These products are available to build walls ranging from a single unit to as high as 50 feet or more.

Complete Your Project With Top Brands

Hi-Way Concrete carries a large variety of concrete, stone, and other products from the industry’s most reputable brands. We understand you need top-quality materials to ensure the best possible results on your new patio, retaining wall, stone veneer, and landscape. We take our clients’ hardscaping, and masonry supply needs seriously, whether they are a homeowner or a professional contractor. Our inventory includes pavers from Nantucket Pavers, Nicolock, and Techo-Bloc, as well as natural stone and granite options like Hampton Limestone and Aurelia Granite. Every item we carry comes from industry-trusted brands.

original owners of Hi-Way Concrete

Our History

Hi-Way Concrete Products was formed in 1954 by James Vicino Sr. and his brother Rocco Vicino. Hi-Way started the hard way with a hand tamp machine that could output approximately 500 units a day. Starting from scratch, James and Rocco would shovel aggregate into the mixer and then transfer mixes to the block by shoveling it into the machine, tamping, and then unloading. Blocks were then stacked by hand outside for curing.

In 1956 they bought a semi-automatic two at a time machine and a fork arrangement to unload the block and utilized a hand dolly to move the block in and out of a kiln.

In 1961 the first Besser machine was introduced purchasing a reconditioned Besser V3-M. At that point, Hi-Way Concrete was officially a block manufacturing operation.

Besser V3-12 block machine

In 1969 -James’s three sons James Jr, Francis, and Robert that were in the business purchased the business. In 1975 the company purchased a Besser V3-12 block machine and continued to automate the manufacturing plant to include a semi-automatic cuber, block splitter, and mixer to advance the business into the next generation.

Hi-Way Concrete has continued to invest in its future and advancements in technologies to offer its customer’s the highest quality concrete products. The company advanced to manufacturing the Keystone Retaining Wall System in 1995. Keystone has evolved over the years and continues to offer the best structural concrete retaining wall systems on the market.

Hi-Way Concrete moved to third-generation ownership in 2004. Current ownership has made significant advancements to its manufacturing equipment allowing the company to meet the growing need for products to support the landscape market. Hi-Way Concrete now offers versatile and stylish landscape and do-it-yourself products, such as patio stones, edgers, and outdoor living element designs.

Hi-Way Concrete‘s Modern Milestones


Hi-Way Concrete began production of Articulating Concrete Block units and met numerous design and manufacturing standards for both fresh and saltwater applications.


Hi-Way Concrete enters the retail market beginning to supply LOWES with walls, patio blocks, and edgers. In years ahead expanded its footprint to supply do-it-yourself and commercial products to all of New England.


Hi-Way Concrete remodels showroom and continues to invest in its manufacturing technology to provide our customers high quality products and the finest service in the area.

2023 and Ahead

Hi-Way Concrete expands to North Dartmouth, MA by acquiring a second location formerly known as State Road Cement Block from the Bono family. Since expanding, we have renovated the showroom, improved operations, and streamlined our manufacturing processes at both locations. This has allowed us to better serve our customers and extend our distribution into Rhode Island and surrounding areas of Dartmouth.

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