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Wareham & N. Dartmouth, MA Suppliers of Thin Veneer Stone & Brick

Getting the best results on your structural improvement project takes more than an exemplary skill set. You need quality products and materials to ensure a new fireplace wall or exterior pillar looks beautiful and lasts for years. Hi-Way Concrete proudly provides customers with thin veneer stone and brick. Our collection of veneer options includes durable and visually appealing products made with various stone types and high-quality brick. You can count on the materials to stand up to weather and regular wear and tear while beautifying your interior and exterior spaces.


Delgado Stone

Product Catalog

Natural Stone Residential Design Guide
Delgado Natural Stone Residential Design Guide

Product Catalog

Delgado Stone Landscape Guide
Delgado Stone Landscape Guide

Product Catalog


Product Catalog

Connecticut Stone

ThinStone Catalog


Cultured Stone Catalog


Eldorado Stone Catalog

Pine Hall Brick

Thin Brick Catalog

General Shale

Thin Masonry Catalog

Marion Ceramics

Product Catalog

Hebron Brick Company

Thin Brick Catalog

Realstone Systems

Product Catalog


2023 Collection

stone home

Complete Your Project With Trusted Product Brands

Every project deserves materials from the industry’s most reputable brands. Our thin veneer stone and brick inventory come from suppliers who specialize in high-quality products using exceptional stone and brick materials in their production. Let us provide what you need for your property’s interior and exterior enhancement with products from the following brands:

  • Delgado Stone
  • Realstone Systems
  • Connecticut Stone
  • Boral Cultured Stone
  • Eldorado Stone
  • General Shale Cambridge Brick
  • Belden Brick
  • Morin Brick
  • Harmar Brick
  • KF Brick
  • Pine Hall Brick
  • Glen Gery Brick
  • Stiles and Hart Brick Co
  • Marion Ceramic Thin Brick
  • General Shale – Robinson Thin Brick Veneer

Veneers Suitable for Various Project Types

Hi-Way Concrete has you covered on your home improvement projects. Various types of projects benefit from our durable and lightweight thin veneer stone and brick. An experienced contractor or homeowner can install it to add the timeless elegance of stone or the uniform appeal of brick. These veneer options are suitable for interior and exterior use. Some examples of ways to use them include the following:

Interior Projects

Thin veneer stone or brick works well inside a home or business in various places, from the kitchen or basement to the great room. Use these veneers to build a majestic fireplace or add an intriguing accent wall.

Exterior Projects

If you desire a beautiful stone or brick front on your home, consider using our veneer options all around the structure. A stone wall dresses up a patio, and a stoic brick mailbox or stone pillar outside your front door elevates your home’s curb appeal.

Trust the Experts at Hi-Way Concrete

Increase your home’s aesthetic appeal and value by adding thin veneer stone or brick to the inside or outside. Hi-Way Concrete has a wide array of veneer choices for you to consider, and our staff can help you find the perfect option for your project.

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